Upward Ascent
Grade 4

  1. A Treacherous Journey (UP medley, Giacchino)
  2. The View (Defying Gravity, Schwartz)
  3. Triumphant Return (Firebird Finale, Stravinsky)

Take your band on a fantastic journey with this inspired show titled UPWARD ASCENT. The adventure begins with tuneful music from the movie soundtrack Up, then slows down for a unique spin on the popular song Defying Gravity from Wicked, finally wrapping up with the triumphant Finale from the Firebird. This engaging production has it all, and the possibilities are endless when you explore the show concept - aviary creatures, balloons, landscape scenes, aviation, etc. Decide what works best for your band, and use this thoughtfully crafted show as your vehicle. Take flight this year with UPWARD ASCENT!


Déjà Vu Grade 4 ($2250)


Bloom Grade 4 $2450